Everything I learned so far in Front-end development

Everything I learned so far in Front-end development


3 min read

So I started learning Web Development in Feb 2022, So I spend so much time on web dev in previous months. In this article I am sharing my experience, what I learned and where and how, and giving some advice on that for you to start your web dev journey.

HTML, CSS & Bootstrap

So for starting, I search so much for free resources and I found too many resources, but I want to follow one particular thing for starting so I won't repeat and mix-match things. So I bought my first online course on Udemy which is The Complete Web Development Bootcamp by Angela Yu. It is such a great course and I recommend it. I learned HTML, CSS and Bootstrap with it and develop some projects using it.

Where we use HTML and CSS for web dev and Bootstrap for layout defining and also we have to write lesser CSS and it is so much simple.

JavaScript and DOM

So for JavaScript, it does not take much time for me because I already know programming languages like C and C++ from college courses. But if you are a complete beginner then I recommend you to spend some time with javascript alone and solve some problem platforms like Exercism.

For DOM (Document object model) I learned from the course and build a project with it. It is beneficial to build some kind of javascript game so you can put your DOM skills to the test or for learning it is very good to start with some project which you like and we know everyone likes games.


"EJS is a simple templating language that lets you generate HTML markup with plain JavaScript. No religiousness about how to organize things. No reinvention of iteration and control flow. It's just plain JavaScript."

It is a definition which you find on official EJS documentation but simply it means javascript in HTML. By that, you can use all javascript programming functionality with HTML. which makes your work so much more efficient.

After that, I learn backend development which we talk about in another article.


For any web developer who wants to build something amazing on the web it is must necessary to learn React or Angular. I started to learn ReactJs by following its docs and they are very good for beginners or intermediate. Experts don't need it, they contribute to it.


From my experience with React, you should learn tailwind with it. Tailwind is also a CSS framework like Bootstrap but it gives you so much functionality with it.

GSAP and Framer Motion

I recently learned this js library, up until now I am using CSS animation for animating something on the website but using this library you can easily make complex animation and they both have good docs for learning. gsap is a js library but Framer motion is a library for React.


So currently I am learning ThreeJs which is so popular nowadays. It is used for 3d and 2d animation on your website. It is good to watch some tutorials on youtube regarding it and try it by yourselves. For a 3d module don't spend your time creating it, for starting first learn three and then try to make 3d renders with Blender.

So this is it, keep learning.